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Letter of Recommendation


It is possible for students to apply for a letter of recommendation from Prof. Dr. Hess. Letters of recommendation can only be issued to Master students with Major Finance and Bachelor students of Business Administration with profile group Finance. It is required that at least one course at the Corporate Finance Seminar has been successfully completed.

Please contact for the preparation of a letter of recommendation.

Please apply for a letter of recommendation at least four weeks before the respective application deadline. Please also note that if you are applying to numerous universities, which all use different forms, it may happen in rare cases that we limit the number of letters of recommendation per person.

Important information: For semesters abroad and the CEMS program, no letters of recommendation from professors are required. Likewise, no letters of recommendation are issued if the university you are applying to does not require them. 


Documents required

  • A form (if available) in the required quantity, filled out with your data 
  • A complete application form (in English, if an English letter of recommendation is required)
  • A letter of motivation that clarifies your request for the letter of recommendation (in English, if an English letter of recommendation is required)
  • A tabular curriculum vitae (in English, if an English letter of recommendation is required)
  • Relevant certificates (including Bachelor's degree certificate, current overview of grades, ranking certificate, as well as proof of internships, non-university activities, etc.)
  • In the case of letters of recommendation for a scholarship for the semester abroad, it is also advisable to include information on the planned courses and the possibility of integration into the home study program