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Creditable Abroad Studies


At the Corporate Finance Seminar, it is generally possible to receive credit for work completed abroad. Please always make all inquiries via the WiSo credit transfer center.



The Corporate Finance Seminar is responsible for the credit transfer of the courses "Corporate Finance" (Bachelor), "Finanzierungspolitk und Investitionsmanagement", "Corporate Valuation Theory", "Empirical Finance" as well as advanced seminars. In individual cases, credit may also be given in the area of "Selected Issues".


Requirements for the recognition of examination results

  • Any performance achieved abroad can only be credited for one examination performance here.
  • The contents of the courses must essentially correspond.
  • The examination performance to be credited should come from a comparable study section (e.g. main study and master's level).
  • For a module with 6 credit points, study achievements amounting to approx. 6 ECTS must be completed abroad. In order to achieve this amount, it is possible to combine courses.


Special requirements for the recognition of an advanced seminar

  • For the recognition of an advanced seminar, a graded term paper or equivalent seminar performance is required.
  • It is mandatory to submit the paper after the semester abroad.


Before going abroad

We strongly recommend that you clarify the possibility of recognition with the credit center before starting your stay abroad. Please submit the following information there:

  • Event outline
  • List of literature used
  • Information about the study section of the course
  • Information on the achievable credit points or the scope of the course


Change of credit transfer modalities from October 2012

As of 01 October 2012 the WiSo credit transfer center is available to you for credits. From now on, the examination office, the ZIB and all subject creditors (i.e. also us as department) are united in this center. From now on, you have to submit all (preliminary) applications for crediting of examination achievements via the homepage of the center. You will be registered there electronically and will receive a pdf-document as an application by mail, which you have to sign and submit again. Only applications submitted via this channel will be accepted.

We try to realize as many advance credit transfers as possible. In these cases, it is no longer necessary to submit the course documents to the department after the semester abroad. Exception: seminar papers or cases for major seminar credit must always be submitted. In the case of advance credit, it is necessary to obtain comprehensive information before the course begins. If this is difficult or impossible, the course may still be reviewed only on the basis of the course materials after your return from the university abroad. In this case, you must then submit the course documents to the department electronically or in paper form.

Please be sure to observe the deadline regulations of the examination office for credits!

If you have any further questions regarding recognition abroad, please contact


Please note that the above information is current, but may change at any time.